Money Magazine - How Much to Save?

Rule OF Saving 75:15:10

75:15:10 is the most popular rule of saving around the world. All you have to do is divide your monthly pay check to three parts

75 Needful Rupee

15 Safest Rupee

10 Sweetest Rupee

The First 75% is the needful rupee which should cover your and your dependents monthly expenses

The Second 15% is the safest rupee which should be saved/invested to create a reserve for rainy day and your retirement

The Last 10% is the sweetest rupee which should be given to needful (charity)

We believe that generosity matters, but it’s not just our opinion. Statistics show that those who give of their time and resources are happier, healthier and live a much more fulfilled life. In a recent article by Huffing ton Post titled Habits of Supremely Happy People generosity (spending money on other people) was among top habits.

So we encourage you to make giving a priority. It will not only increase your chances for a happier and healthier life, but it will also give you a better perspective on your own financial circumstances and will allow you to have the right perspective and relationship with money.


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