Oh shit money is nothing but emergency fund which is very resourceful when you are stuck in Oh Shit Situation. Let’s call it Oh Shit Kitty. An Oh Shit Kitty is an easily accessible stash of money for use only in case of oh shit situation. It is not to be used to buy a new car. It is not to be used to buy a new PlayStation. It is not to be used to remodel your bathroom. It is for use only in case of emergency.
Bank account is engrossed in everyone life. Bank acts as a guard to your money which instead of charging some amount provides an interest on money deposited. Moreover, it facilitates various other services for daily requirements such as making payment on your behalf, keeping your valuables safe in the locker, etc.
Money Magazine is a textbook for money management ironically which is not thought by our so called “Education System” yet we have to go through it every day. Indian education system is designed to crib your creativity, kill everything your passionate about, loot your money even before you start earning and throw you into the world whitout even teaching how to get profit out the investment you made in so called education.