
Showing posts from September 13, 2015

Money Magazine - Where To Invest When You Have a 5 Year Deadline?

Ask any financial expert about your options to invest your money if your time horizon is more than 5 years. The chances are high that he will suggest equity MF's as the best option. Now ask him what are the best option if you want to invest for less than 5 years. The chances of him suggesting equity MF's now will be much lower. But this is a common concern for many people. People these days don’t have 5 years to wait. They cannot invest for such a long time. So what are the best options for someone who needs his money back, with decent returns in less than 5 years? The answer to this question will depend on the time that this person can wait. So assuming that the deadline can be anywhere between 3 months and 5 years, let’s explore the available options.

Money Magazine - 7 ways salaried individuals can save taxes

At the end of every financial year, many tax payers frantically make investments to minimize taxes, without adequate knowledge of the various available options. The Income Tax Act offers many more incentives and allowances, apart from the popular 80C, which could reduce tax liability substantially for the salaried individuals. Here are seven smart tips to help you save more and reduce taxes.

Money Magazine - Why Money Magazine?

Money Magazine is a textbook for money management ironically which is not thought by our so called “Education System” yet we have to go through it every day. Indian education system is designed to crib your creativity, kill everything your passionate about, loot your money even before you start earning and throw you into the world whitout even teaching how to get profit out the investment you made in so called education.